I took a couple of classes during the spring (while working full-time), and recently got a letter telling me I had made the dean's list... :)
Here's an example of what I might have worn to class on days when class was in the evenings after work (I was more casual for Saturday classes, ie. polo shirt, instead of dress shirt):

There is no possible excuse for anyone who has any self-respect to show up wearing pajamas or lousy t-shirts + ripped jeans... or sweatpants for that matter. People of good taste, let's unite and show how to do it right! :)
P.S.: It needn't be pricey... just in good taste--not hard if you try. Many people spend more than I do for things that look terrible. Using good taste is the best value... I don't need to buy two wardrobes for work and being comfortable, they run together for me... why should I need to be uncomfortable at work or look terrible when I'm enjoying myself?
P.P.S.: I'm allowed to be opinionated on my own blog. I'm not suggesting people do not have a right to dress as they see fit. I however challenge the idea that dressing without concern should be acceptable to society.