Fashion Soiree / Dance Party at Josephine Lounge by ICDC
I should probably stop apologizing for my busy life, but it keeps happening. I keep wanting to write yet end up postponing things because my mind is distracted or I simply don't have the time. That said, I'm cool with interesting distractions to keep things exciting and diverting... feel free to suggest good ideas!
In the theme of good distractions, I recently attended a fashion event put on by the International Club of DC... a group I am enjoying for classy and creative events here. (You should join too!)
The collection was by designer Evgenya Luzhina and had interesting elements, such as a heavy focus on headpieces and bright colors. While I'm not sure that I was entirely enamored with any of the outfits, I did generally appreciate concepts and ideas in the gowns. Some of the color contrasts, such as a gold crisscross pattern on blue really worked very well. She also made good use of green and turquoise tones.
Enjoy my pictures here:
My pictures were basically pretty bad, so my friend Esam was kind enough to send me the following pictures from the event:
Can you spot me in the background trying to get my phone high enough to take pictures? |
Easter 2012!
Today [Easter] I sang in choir at church during the most glorious Easter service I have ever been to in my life! The power of music and truth is a beautiful thing! (Also, how did I miss this all my life? This new church is bringing me in touch with so many blessings of the true church through the ages)
~My Facebook status from Easter 2012
On easter Sunday after church, I got together with friends I met at the ICDC event a couple days before and we had a delightful picnic by the Jefferson Memorial. It was very happy... although it was also a bit too windy. I think we would have been able to have our picnic magical-flying-carpet style had it been a bit more gusty!
Riverfront picnicking! |
After the picnic, I ended up walking around DC, going to museums and clothing shops at random. It was enjoyable (albeit frustrating, because I'm way too picky), but by the end I was absolutely exhausted!
fro.zen.yo is a really great way to relax! |
Don't ask me why I went inside Forever 21... the store is a disaster... however, I really like their chandeliers! |